The Sopranos

The Sopranos

The Sopranos is an American crime drama television series created by David Chase. The story revolves around the fictional character, New Jersey-based Italian American mobster Tony Soprano (James Gandolfini). The series portrays the difficulties he fa ...

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The Sopranos (1999) - S01E01 Drama
Season 1
Ep Title Released
#1 Pilot (846 clips) 10 Jan 1999
#2 46 Long (692 clips) 10 Jan 1999
#3 Denial, Anger, Acceptance (657 clips) 10 Jan 1999
#4 Meadowlands (717 clips) 10 Jan 1999
#5 College (618 clips) 10 Jan 1999
#6 Pax Soprana (665 clips) 10 Jan 1999
#7 Down Neck (788 clips) 10 Jan 1999
#8 The Legend of Tennessee Moltisanti (651 clips) 10 Jan 1999
#9 Boca (783 clips) 10 Jan 1999
#10 A Hit Is a Hit (668 clips) 10 Jan 1999
#11 Nobody Knows Anything (711 clips) 10 Jan 1999
#12 Isabella (602 clips) 10 Jan 1999
#13 I Dream of Jeannie Cusamano (800 clips) 10 Jan 1999